CAUTION: Foods, Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics Act prohibit dispensing without a prescription.

THIS IS A PRESCRIPTION DRUG. The contents of this page are provided for information purposes only and should not be a substitute for a professional medical advice or for self-medication. Consult your physician or pharmacist before administration and read all labels prior to use.


60 mL

Amoxicillin (as trihydrate) ..........................   250 mg
Clavulanic Acid
 (as clavulanate potassium) .....  62.5 mg


"Your primary partner in fighting infection"


Flavor: Passion Fruit

Treatment of the following infections caused by by susceptible pathogens: lower respiratory tract infections, acute otitis media, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, and skin and soft tissue infections.


Dosage depends onthe age, weight and renal function of the patient and the severity of the infection. Dosages are expressed throughout in terms of co-amoxiclav content except when doses are stated in terms of an individual component.

Children: Dosage should be expressed in terms of age of the child and either in mg/kg/day (given 2 or 3 dividided doses) or mL of suspension per dose or equivalent for other presentations. Children weighing 40 kg and over should be dosed according to the adult recommendations.

Children up to 12 years:
Lower dose (mg/kg/day) for infections such as skin and soft tissue and recurrent tonsillitis: 20/5 to 40/10 three times daily (4:1) formulations or 25/3.6 to 45/6.4 twice daily (7:1) formulations.

Higher dose (mg/kg/day) for infections such as otitis media, sinusitis, lower respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections: 40/10 to 60/15 three times daily (4:1) formulations or 45/6.4 to 70/10 twice daily (7:1) formulations.

No clinical data are available on doses of these formulation higher than 40/10 mg/kg/day (4:1) or 45/6.4 mg/kg/day (7:1) in children under 2 years.

There are no clinical data for the 7:1 formulation in patients under 2 months of age. Dosing recommendations in this population therefore cannot be made.

The 8:1 ratio formulation is recommended for dosing at 40/50 to 80/10 mg/kg/day (in three divided doses) in children aged 1 to 30 months, depending upin the severity of infection.

Premature: No dosage recommendation can be made for this category.

To minimize potential gastrointestinal intolerance, administer at the start of the a meal. The absorption of Co-amoxiclav (Augmin-250) is optimized when taken at the start of the meal. Treatment should no be extended beyond 14 days without review.